Jordan Peele’s New Movie Begins Filming This Year

Jordan Peele's new movie

Practically every aspect of Get Out, Jordan Peele‘s directorial debut, has been dissected and analyzed during its year-long trek from opening in theaters to becoming a multiple Oscar nominee. Peele has been in videos pointing out easter eggs and addressing fan theories, and classes are being taught about his film. Many movies wouldn’t be able to withstand that much attention, but this one struck a chord with audiences in a profound way.

As we wait to see if Get Out is crowned the year’s Best Picture at the Academy Awards, let’s look ahead to what’s next for the director: a new film that begins shooting later this year. Read more about Jordan Peele’s new movie below. 

What is Jordan Peele’s New Movie?

Speaking as part of The Hollywood Masters series at the Loyola Marymount University’s School of Film and TV (via The Hollywood Reporter), Peele revealed that his latest movie will begin filming in 2018:

“What do I do next? How do I top this? And you know, and I think it’s important to focus on stories that are true to me. I go, when writing Get Out, my sort of mantra is or was, ‘Let’s write my favorite film I haven’t seen yet.’ So I think it’s easy to get sort of bogged down in ‘how does this compare to the first one, how does that compare?’ When all is said and done, my next film, I am currently writing it and I’ll direct for Universal this year, I’m just trying to entertain myself again.”

We know his next movie won’t be a sequel to Get Out (though that is something he’s seriously considering), but he did mention that it’ll be tonally similar:

“One thing I know is that this is genre, and playing around with the thriller, horror, action, fun, genre of intrigue is my favorite. That’s my sweet spot. So I think tonally it should resemble Get Out. That said, I want to make a completely different movie. I want to address something different than race in the next one.”

This is one of the other “social thrillers” the former Key & Peele star was talking about last year. Sounds great to me: Get Out was able to tap into deep racial trauma in an entertaining and illuminating way, so seeing Peele tackle a different social issue will hopefully be just as absorbing and informative.

Peele is quickly becoming one of the busiest guys in Hollywood. He’s rebooting The Twilight Zone, working on a 1970s-set show about hunting Nazis, and producing a Spike Lee movie. I can’t wait to see some of these projects materialize.

In the meantime, you can watch a video excerpt from The Hollywood Masters conversation here:

And if that’s not enough, be sure to check out this nearly three-hour video from the Director’s Guild of America, in which Peele joins a panel of other Oscar-nominated directors to talk about making their award-nominated films:

The post Jordan Peele’s New Movie Begins Filming This Year appeared first on /Film.

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