Timothy Olyphant Says ‘Deadwood’ Movie Won’t Happen, Makes Us Sad

deadwood movie

Timothy Olyphant has decided to be a jerk and throw some cold water on the Deadwood movie. HBO and creator David Milch have been going back and forth about the idea for years. Recently, it’s seemed closer to reality than ever before. Now, however, Olyphant, who starred in all three seasons of the Shakespearian Western, is warning fans to not hold their breath.

Timothy Olyphant, wyd? We were all rooting for you, and then you had to go and dash our hopes and dreams of a Deadwood movie. During a recent appearance on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live (via EW), Olyphant was asked for an update on the Deadwood movie. His reply? “There’s no fucking way it will ever happen.”


Olyphant went on to say that while people behind the scenes are making an effort to make the movie a reality, he’s very doubtful it will happen. The actor thinks it’s just too hard to get everyone back together to get the film made. That said, Olyphant is “hopeful” it will happen, adding:

“I am hopeful. I mean I’m … I’m… I’m a huge fan of David Milch. The man means the world to me. It’s one of the most amazing creative experiences I’ve ever been able to be apart of, and I’d love to be … you know when you do these things you really miss the people. It would just be a lovely excuse to get all those people back together…”

If this news depresses you (as it does me), there’s still some hope. EW reached out to HBO for a statement, and HBO reaffirmed they’re committed to making the Deadwood movie a reality:

“We are continuing to try and bring this group of actors together. With varying schedules, it is a challenge, but we are committed to finding a way and making the film.”

A Brief History of the Deadwood Movie

Deadwood ran from 2004 to 2006 on HBO. While it wasn’t exactly a ratings juggernaut, it was highly acclaimed – and for good reason. In my humble opinion, it’s one of the best shows HBO has ever created – right up there with The Sopranos. The show was a brutal, incredibly well-acted Western that employed Shakespearian trappings (and a whole lot of dirty language), and I’d love to see more of it.

After HBO cancelled the show following its third season, creator David Milch floated the idea of wrapping up the show with two HBO movies. For a long time, nothing happened. Then, in 2016, HBO said a single Deadwood movie was very much a possibility. HBO programming president Michael Lombardo said at the time:

“David has our commitment that we are going to do it. He pitched what he thought generally the storyline would be — and knowing David, that could change. But it’s going to happen.”

In early 2017, it was revealed David Milch was hard at work writing the script for the movie. By April of 2017, Deadwood star Ian McShane said the script was finished, and everyone was just waiting for HBO to finalize things. In November of 2017, word came that the Deadwood movie might (finally) start shooting in fall of 2018. HBO’s Casey Bloys said:

“I read the script and the one thing that I was concerned about is I wanted the script that would stand on its own. If you were a Deadwood fan it would make you happy and if you never watched Deadwood you could still enjoy it. David [Milch] delivered on that. If we can do it for a budget that makes sense for us and find a director, we’re talking to a few folks, and we can get the cast together which is no easy task, we’re inclined to do it. We have to get over those hurdles. The good news is, the script was terrific.”

Bloys then provided yet another update, this time in January 2018, saying Milch was re-writing the script:

“David Milch is doing a rewrite that he and the producers were talking about. If they can get all the actors together, which they’re trying to do — and everybody wants to do it — if they can get everybody back together, we’re looking at fall 2018 to shoot something. But a lot of things have to fall into place for that to happen. But I’m optimistic.”

As a huge fan of Deadwood, I both want and need this movie to happen. So I sincerely hope Mr. Olyphant is incorrect, and that the Deadwood movie will see the light of day sooner rather than later.

The post Timothy Olyphant Says ‘Deadwood’ Movie Won’t Happen, Makes Us Sad appeared first on /Film.

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