Is Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury Actually in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’?

nick fury in infinity war

Avengers: Infinity War is packed with characters, but there’s one character who allegedly won’t be in the film (and no, we’re not talking about Hawkeye). That character is Samuel L. Jackson‘s Nick Fury. Jackson himself has said, flat-out, that he won’t be in the film. But could the actor be bending the truth? We might have the answer below. Or we might be wrong!

This is a potential spoiler for Infinity War, so if you want to go into the latest super-charged entry in the MCU, turn back now.

Avengers: Age of Ultron was the last time we saw Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury in the MCU. While we know for a fact that he appears in Captain Marvel, is there a chance we might see him before that, in Infinity War? Perhaps. Jackson has been absent from any and all Avengers: Infinity War promotional material, and that could be because he’s not in the film. In the past, Jackson himself has said he’s not in Avengers: Infinity War, nor is he in Avengers 4:

“I wasn’t in the ‘superhero argument’ movie [Captain America: Civil War], I’m not in Avengers 3 and 4. They’re shooting them now, and they haven’t called me yet. They wouldn’t let me go to Black Panther-ville, so it’s kinda like how you gonna make a black Marvel movie and not let Nick Fury show up in it?!”

Jackson might be telling the truth. Or he could be practicing the fine art of misdirection to make his appearance in the film a surprise. We have no concrete proof of this, but in the spirit of wild speculation, we turn to IMDb. /Film reader Brian Sosin pointed out to us that on the IMDb page for Avengers: Infinity War, there are two crew members listed with direct associations to Jackson. They are:

Jake Garber … make up artist for Samuel L. Jackson


Qualen Bradley … stand in: Samuel L. Jackson

Of course, it goes without saying that anyone can edit IMDb, and that there is often incorrect info uploaded to the site as a result. That said, it’s also likely that Garber and Bradley uploaded these credits themselves. Smaller crew members on big films will typically add themselves on IMDb since no one else will, and it helps with their résumés. This is very common and it has helped shed light on (and spoil) major movies in the past.

So is Samuel L. Jackson in Infinity War? If he is, my guess is that it’s a small part. He might even appear in a post-credit scene that sets up Avengers 4. Having Fury pop-up post-credits would also be a direct call-back to the very first Marvel Cinematic Universe film – the character made his MCU debut in the Iron Man post-credit scene, after all. Since Infinity War is being billed as the culmination of every MCU film up until this point, there’s a certain dramatic unity to bringing Fury back for the post-credits here.

This would also lead directly into Avengers 4. In the quote above, Jackson says he’s not in Avengers 4, but the actor was allegedly spotted on the set. Then again, there’s a chance this is all misdirection. Michael Rooker appeared in a “deleted scene’ on the Thor: Ragnarok Blu-ray, even though he was never intended to be in the film itself. And he was also seen around the Infinity War set, which turned out to be a master act of trolling.

In other words, nobody knows nothing, and we’re all just speculating wildly until Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27, 2018.

The post Is Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury Actually in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’? appeared first on /Film.

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