Every Easter Egg and Reference in ‘Solo: a Star Wars Story’

solo cameo

Solo: A Star Wars Story has finally been released and it contains a whole bunch of rambunctious reveals and radical additions to the classic Star Wars canon for fans to delve into. To help you decompress after that wild ride, I’ve collected every major easter egg from the newest addition to the Star Wars saga.

Solo has a surprising number of deep cut references and cool original trilogy nods, as well as some pretty important reveals about some fan favorite characters throughout series canon. So grab your co-pilot, set you starship to hyperdrive, and punch it!

Oh, and beware of spoilers.

The Golden Dice

Han’s gold dice first appeared in A New Hope as an almost throwaway gag, but took on a much deeper meaning in Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi, with the dice becoming a symbol of love, legacy, and memory between Luke, Leia, Han, and eventually Ben. Solo establishes the fact that the Corellian dice have always been important to Han and in his youth signified “luck.”

Thermal Detonator

During his showdown with Lady Proxima, Han threatens the imposing leader of the White Worms with a rock that he pretends is a Thermal Detonator. He even makes a clicking noise with his mouth to “arm” the detonator. This is not only a great comedy beat, but it’s a direct call back to Leia threatening Jabba with a real Thermal Detonator in Return of the Jedi when she’s disguised as the bounty hunter Boushh.

Solo: A Star Wars Story Trailer Breakdown

Star Destroyer being built on Corellia

When Han and Qi’ra are running across Corellia, we can see large domes being pulled through the sky. If they seem familiar to you that’s because they’re integral parts of the Empire’s huge fleet. To be precise, they look like the shield generators from the command modules of the ever-present and terrifying Star Destroyers, which you can see being built in the sky.

Star Wars Episode 9 Score John Williams

The Imperial March is canon

This is a fun little nod you might have missed that has pretty interesting ramifications in the Star Wars universe. After Han loses Qi’ra at the Imperial checkpoint on Corellia, he sees an Empire recruitment booth that’s playing John Williams’ iconic Imperial March… meaning the master composer’s famous music actually exists as an Imperial anthem.

Solo A Star Wars Story Imperial March

“Kicked out of the Academy”

When Han meets Beckett and Val, he explains that he was “Kicked out of the Academy,” which borrows directly from his Legends origin. In the old Expanded Universe, Han was also in the Empire, but was kicked out after fighting back when he sees the Imperial Army mistreat Wookiees…which, in the old books, is also how he met Chewbacca!

Solo: A Star Wars Story Trailer Breakdown

Han’s Blaster

Han’s iconic DL-44 blaster rarely leaves his side, and in Solo: A Star Wars Story we learn that he got it from Woody Harrelson’s Tobias Beckett. During the campfire scene, Beckett tosses a very familiar looking blaster to Han, and the rest is history. After all, in the words of Han Solo himself, “Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”

The Zan Sisters

As the newly assembled crew sits around the fire after escaping the Empire’s war, Val is talking about of her dream team for the big job they have coming up. She mentions “The Zan Sisters,” which is pretty exciting for fans of the Expanded Universe. She’s likely talking about Zu and Zan Pike, twin criminals for hire originally introduced in the Shadows of the Empire novel. They also had a connection to the Black Sun criminal organization run by Darth Maul, which makes their mention even more intriguing considering the film’s last act reveal.


The other member of Val’s ideal crew is the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk, who you might remember as one of the six bounty hunters sent to catch Han in The Empire Strikes Back. Or if you’re a Star Wars: The Clone Wars fan, you’ll probably know him even better – the show expanded on Bossk and showed him as an ally of a young Boba Fett and another fan favorite bounty hunter, Aurra Sing (remember that name for later).

Woody harrelson solo


For a good crook, it’s always “the last big job” and Tobias Beckett is no different. As Val talks about her dream team, Tobias waxes lyrical about how he’ll retire to a distant planet and learn to play the Valahorn. This is a deep cut reference to a classic Star Wars video game. First introduced in the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, the valahorn is a musical instrument found on Yavin 4.

Solo: A Star Wars Story Trailer Breakdown

Enfys Nest and the Cloud-Riders

Though they’re nothing like their comic book counterparts, Enfys Nest’s gang takes their name from a group of space pirates seen in the classic Marvel Star Wars comics. In the old school sequential stories, the Cloud-Riders are violent outlaws who raid and pillage local villages, which is what viewers are supposed to think of Enfys and her crew…before we find out the truth!

Mynock Roast

Jon Favreau’s Rio exclaims his delight for a delicacy known as a Mynock roast…so what exactly is that? Well, Mynocks are a bat-like parasite that appeared in The Empire Strikes Back and attached themselves the bottom of the Millennium Falcon. They’re also mentioned in multiple contemporary canon Star Wars books, including Bloodines, Aftermath, and The Legends of Luke Skywalker. They also regularly appeared in the now de-canonized Star Wars Expanded Universe.

Aurra Sing

This was a big moment for fans of the prequels and The Clone Wars, as Lando thanks Beckett for killing a bounty hunter named Aurra Sing, as he owed her a lot of money. Originally introduced in The Phantom Menace, the character was expanded on in the beloved animated series, which saw her work alongside Boba, Bossk, and other bounty hunters. If we’re to believe Tobias (who isn’t exactly trustworthy), then Sing’s fate is now known.

Jabba Sail Barge

The Hutt Cartel

Many fans had suggested that Jabba the Hutt might make an appearance in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Alas, the big slug wasn’t seen, but his presence was felt, with Qi’ra mentioning the Hutt Cartel early on in the movie, as well as Tobias telling Han about a big score on Tatooine where a notorious gangster is looking for a crew. And, of course, we all know that Tattooine’s biggest gangster is Jabba himself.

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