Mondo’s “Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years” Gallery – The Artists Share Their Favorite MCU Movies

Mondo and Marvel have always gone together like genius billionaire playboy philanthropists and technologically advanced suits of world-saving armor. So while it should come as no surprise that the Austin, Texas-based poster and geek merchandise company has dedicated its new gallery show to the first decade of Marvel Studios, it’s nonetheless thrilling.

“Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years” has officially opened its doors at the Mondo Gallery in Austin and we’re pleased to help reveal all of the posters on display and for sale at the show. But more than that, we reached out to all of the artist’s involved with one simple question: what is your favorite Marvel movie? We’ve paired their responses with their work (and most of their choices align with the poster they created!).

The Avengers – Amien Juugo / 24”x36” / Edition of 300 / $50

The Avengers (Variant) – Amien Juugo / 24”x36” / Edition of 150 / $75

Amien Juugo’s Favorite Marvel Movie: “There are many great Marvel movies, It’s hard to pick a favorite one. If I have to choose, I’ll go with The Avengers. I have no idea how many time I’ve watched the movie, I definitely still enjoy it. I like the story building, the action, and the character development especially the villain, Loki. My favorite moment in the movie is the after-credits shawarma scene when the heroes are sitting down and quietly eating together, love the awkwardness, the reaction of characters, and the living background. Like being able to feel what they feel after a huge battle, so touching yet hilarious.”

Captain America: The First Avenger – Francesco Francavilla / 24”x36” / Edition of 375 / $55

Francesco Francavilla’s Favorite Marvel Movie:Captain America: The First Avenger might be one of my favorite Marvel movies and mainly due to the World War II setting. As some might know, I am a huge fan of all things pulp; drawing Captain America with his WWII costume is something I really love, so I was super happy to draw this movie poster for Mondo’s show.”

Captain America: The Winter Soldier – Marc Aspinall / 24”x36” / Edition of 325 / $60

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Variant) – Marc Aspinall / 24”x36” / Edition of 175 / $80

Marc Aspinall’s Favorite Marvel Movie: “I’ll always have a soft spot for the first two Raimi Spider-Man movies. Maybe Peter Parker isn’t true to the comics, but as films, they are fun and I absolutely love the tone throughout. If I’m to pick from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I’d have to say Iron Man, and the movie I was asked to illustrate, Captain America: The Winter Solider.

Iron Man sets the whole series off; sets the general tone and is a fun movie regardless of what follows. Great set pieces, the origin story doesn’t feel perfunctory and Jon Favreau lets Robert Downey Jr.’s sharp tongue run unabated.

My second choice, The Winter Soldier seems to veer off of the carved path of previous installments; instead playing out like a political thriller. With our heroes in plain clothes for much of the film, it’s pretty easy to forget we’re watching a Marvel film – and I love that. Steve Rogers is coming to terms with his new life, lost love and the realities of what has become of the organisation he serves. It’s possible his past hasn’t entirely been left behind, there’s moral decisions at it’s core.

The fight scenes are fantastic; a step back from CGI laden set-pieces for well choreographed bare knuckle, hand to hand combat (the elevator scene!). The epic introduction of Bucky, where we get a taste of what he’s capable of. All of which kicks off with the intense car chase, almost at the expense of Nick Fury. Brilliant. It manages to go dark, yet remain faithful to the slightly glossy, on-brand exterior of the MCU movies preceding and following.”

Captain America: Civil War – Oliver Barrett / 36”x24” / Edition of 350 / $50

Captain America: Civil War (Variant) – Oliver Barrett / 36”x24” / Edition of 175 / $75

Oliver Barrett’s Favorite Marvel Movie: “I’m Oliver Barrett and I somehow managed to find myself graced with the opportunity to work on a Civil War poster. When the Mondo folks called about it, my immediate reaction was ‘HOLY SHIT, YES’ followed by ‘HOLY SHIT, WHAT AM I GONNA DO?.’ I saw this on release day with one of my best buds, and we both had big stupid grins on our faces the whole time. It reminded me of being 12 years old and making all of my action figures beat the crap out of each other.

Trying to distill that feeling into a singular image felt impossible. The real challenge was coming up with a concept that didn’t feel like a stiff, Westside Story-esque layout, built from studio assets with the two factions angrily shaking their fists at each other. The movie does a tremendous job of portraying team Cap and team Iron Man as both right and wrong, so the solution was to come up with a concept that shows each hero both winning and losing. I wanted it to feel less like a choreographed hero fight and more like Walmart on Black Friday.”

Doctor Strange – Johnny Dombrowski / 24”x36” / Edition of 350 / $50

JOhnny Dombrowski’s Favorite Marvel Movie: “A movie that certainly had its share of controversy, Doctor Strange, to say the least, shook things up a bit. Stephen has always been an odd one out from the rest of the crew and I think that’s why so many people are drawn to him. While Ant-Man’s quantum realm sparked Marvel’s love for the visually abstract, the mirror dimension brought it to another level. Along with being the most out there, Doctor Strange stuck to its roots better than the rest. Stephen confronting Dormammu may as well have been ripped panel-by-panel from its Ditko origins. Dormammu! I’ve come to bargain!”

Guardians of the Galaxy – Rich Kelly / 36”x24” / Edition of 325 / $60

Rich Kelly’s Favorite Marvel Movie: “I was fortunate to have been paired with my favorite movie in the MCU so far: Guardians of the Galaxy. Everything in this film is in sync. The writing, the music, the action, the humor, it’s so perfectly crafted. There’s something about a group of misfits and underdogs banding together that speaks to my nostalgia for the movies I latched onto as a kid. Movies like The Goonies, The Sandlot and Back to the Future. Not to be overshadowed by A-listers like Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, and Bradley Cooper, the real stand out for me was Dave Bautista’s Drax. His lack of basic communication skills and propensity to say whatever is on his mind made for some great interactions. “I wasn’t listening, I was thinking of something else” encapsulates the entire attitude of the movie for me. Also, John C. Reilly is a treasure. 5 out of 5 prosthetic legs.”

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 – 100% Soft / 24”x36” / Edition of 275 / $60

Iron Man – César Moreno / 24”x36” / Edition of 275 / $55

César Moreno’s Favorite Marvel Movie: “Tony Stark is the very heart of the entire MCU, and this poster is a homage to him (and Robert Downey as well). The reality check he had at the cave was almost metafictional for both character and actor. He builded an armor for the outside, and re wired himself on the inside, literally. Still my favorite MCU movie.”

Iron Man – Chris Koehler / 24”x36” / Edition of 225 /$50

Iron Man (Variant) – Chris Koehler / 24”x36” / Edition of 125 / $75

Chris Koehler’s Favorite Marvel Movie: “Iron Man is my mom’s favorite superhero. Growing up, we teased her about this. As a kid raised on the bleeding cool designs of Gundam and hyper testosterone of Image Comics, I didn’t understand how my mom could love a spoiled wunderkind flying around in a tin bucket.

This was until I saw Robert Downey Jr bring Iron Man to life. It was the pathos. It was never about how Iron Man is a technological marvel or how Tony Stark is a fabulously wealthy genius. It is about how we empathize with his suffering and root for his redemption.

Despite everything he has, Tony Stark is a tragic hero, a survivor of trauma. He never feels superior to the viewer. Like him, we’re all just trying to be better and stronger to endure and overcome all the bullshit in life and mistakes we’ve made. I’ll never forget what my mom said when I asked her why she loved Iron Man, ‘I feel sorry for him.'”

Spider-Man: Homecoming – Sara Deck / 24”x36” / Edition of 375 / $55

Sara Deck’s Favorite Marvel Movie: “For me, Guardians of the Galaxy made a big impression when it was released because it was so different from anything we had seen up until that point. I really didn’t know what to expect from the movie because I was so unfamiliar with the background of the characters as far as the comics were concerned. I remember seeing it in the theatre and I found it to be so funny that my face hurt from smiling and laughing so much. The Guardians themselves are such a great combination of characters that interact together so well, that the adventure almost becomes completely secondary. Since its success, Marvel has been balancing more humor with the drama & action in their films and I’m such a fan of this.”

Thor – Becky Cloonan / 18”x24” / Edition of 250 / $50

Becky Cloonan’s Favorite Marvel Movie: “I’m gotta go with Thor: Ragnarok! I had such a good time watching this film. Besides the perfect casting, the Valkyrie sequences, and the epic Thor/Hulk team up – bringing all that crazy tech to the big screen felt like a love letter to Jack Kirby! How could I not love this film?”


The Mondo Gallery is located at 4115 Guadalupe Street in Austin, Texas. Posters not sold out during the show’s run will be available online at a later date.

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