There Are 10 Minutes Worth Of Fully-Animated ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ Deleted Scenes

into the spider-verse deleted scenes

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a pretty packed movie. There are a whole slew of spider-people swinging around, along with a storyline about alternate dimensions, family drama, and more. That’s a lot to fit into one movie, but Spider-Verse does it, and does it well. But at one point, the movie could’ve been even longer. In fact, there are about 10 minutes of Into the Spider-Verse deleted scenes. And we’re not talking your standard animated movie deleted scenes, which are usually in the form of uncolored storyboards. These are fully-animated deleted scenes that ended up on the cutting room floor – a rarity for animated films.

Animated movies don’t tend to have completed deleted scenes. In order to save money and be as efficient as possible, directors usually decide on which scenes are going to be cut before the full animation is complete. If you’ve ever purchased a Pixar Blu-ray, you’ve likely noticed that any deleted scene included on the special features usually consists of a few black and white storyboards edited together. But Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse isn’t your average animated movie.  Speaking with ColliderInto the Spider-Verse co-director Bob Persichetti revealed that there are at least 10 minutes of fully-animated deleted scenes floating around out there:

“[A] rare thing for an animated film is that there’s animation on the cutting room floor. There’s about 10 minutes of that from this movie, which is a really high number. And there’s one scene specifically that was one we all really loved, but the movie just kept pushing it out. It was like a splinter, and you’re body’s like, ‘Nope, you’re not gonna fit there. Get out.'”

If you’re a fan of Into the Spider-Verse (as I am), this is no doubt attention-grabbing news. Hopefully when the Into the Spider-Verse Blu-ray arrives, we’ll get to see these completed deleted scenes.

During the same Q&A, Persichetti also revealed that the first cut of the movie – in animatic format – ran about three hours. Before you assume this means there’s a three-hour cut of Into the Spider-Verse, I must remind you that almost all early cuts of films – animated or otherwise – run about this long, or sometims longer. Usually called a workprint, these early cuts consist of every single thing created for the movie, spliced together. While this practice has been going on for quite some time, in recent years, it’s inspired some film sites to interpret it as meaning three-hour-plus cuts of certain films exist. That isn’t the case! But here’s what Persichetti said:

“The very first cut — the animatic, at that time it had a special name called Cabin Fever — was three hours long. So there was a lot of material that had to be formed and focused onto how it could help support Miles and how it could help not to confuse the audience.”

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is now playing in theaters everywhere.

The post There Are 10 Minutes Worth Of Fully-Animated ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ Deleted Scenes appeared first on /Film.

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