‘Avengers: Endgame’ Trailer Breakdown: It All Comes Back to Thanos

Final Avengers Endgame Trailer Breakdown

This morning, tickets went on sale for Avengers: Endgame. And just in case there were some people out there who weren’t already sold on this movie, Marvel Studios released a short new trailer with tons of new footage. Even though the story is still very much under wraps, there’s a lot to pore over, including getting a better idea of the timeline of the movie. So without further adieu, let’s get into this latest Avengers Endgame trailer breakdown.

Avengers Endgame

The new trailer opens with a very ominous score as we return to Avengers headquarters following the devastating loss the team faced in Wakanda at the hands of Thanos and all the Infinity Stones. It looks like it’s either sunset or maybe dawn, depending on how long it took the team to get back to New York from Wakanda.

Avengers Endgame - Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner addresses what sounds like discussion about the remaining members of the team trying to take on Thanos again. He says, “If we do this, we’d be going in short-handed.” And Don Cheadle sarcastically and remorsefully says, “Yeah, you mean because he killed all our friends?” Shots of Thor and Black Widow follow with everyone looking simultaneously introspective, worried, and pissed.

Avengers Endgame

And then there’s Captain America. It looks like Steve is really thinking about what to do next as voiceover from Black Widow (from a previous trailer) says they owe it to everyone who’s not back in Avengers headquarters to have a rematch with Thanos. What I love about this shot is how the plants outside that foggy window in the background almost look like desperate hands reaching out to be saved, perhaps giving us insight into Steve’s thoughts lingering on all those who died.

Avengers Endgame

Nebula and Rocket Raccoon shared a tender moment sitting outside on the steps of the Benatar. Rocket looks sad as he reaches for her hand, they’re each mourning the loss of Gamora, not to mention the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy. But hang on a second. If Rocket and Nebula are back together and they’re sitting on a ship outside, that means she and Tony must make it back to Avengers headquarters pretty quickly. In fact, I’m betting that shot with some of the Avengers looking into the sky at night is because the Benatar is coming to land right by headquarters.

Avengers Endgame

That’s only further supported by the fact that Tony Stark embraces Pepper Potts at night at what appears to be the exterior of Avengers headquarters. Maybe Pepper is the person who fans thought was digitally removed from that aforementioned shot of Cap and some of the other Avengers looking up at the night sky outside HQ. Tony isn’t ready to give up yet either, as he says in voiceover, “It’s not about how much we lost, it’s about how much we have left.

Avengers Endgame

Tony doesn’t seem to waste any time getting back in the Iron Man armor. But hang on a second. When does this shot take place? It’s daytime again, and the brief glimpse of the skyline that we see in this shot appears to be New York City. But what’s Iron Man doing flying around New York City when there’s a Mad Titans who needs to be dealt with? The answer might come later in the trailer.

Avengers Endgame - Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye

This is the best look at Hawkeye we’ve gotten where he’s not suited up in his usual gear with a bow and arrow or in deep as a Ronin with a lot of bitterness. Looks like Clint went to a bit of a dark place after his family presumably got dusted. He even got a full sleeve tattoo.

Avengers Endgame - Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow

Here’s another shot of Natasha Romanoff with her blonde hair grown out. This one is a little more interesting than the last though because she’s clearly tearful in this scene, with a bittersweet smile on her face. Again, this would seem to indicate that this is a decent amount of time after the snap, and if this is during the scene when Cap is talking about how everyone is moving on but them, that makes us think that whatever they did to seek revenge on Thanos didn’t fix things the way they thought it might.

Avengers Endgame

Here’s all the Avengers and the remaining Guardians of the Galaxy standing up, almost as a call to action. Could this be when Captain Marvel gets them ready to go take on Thanos? They may have been outnumbered before, but now that they have her, the team might stand a chance of defeating him.

Avengers Endgame

Okay, what’s this all about? Tony Stark and Captain America are standing in what is presumably New York City. And Tony asks Steve if he trusts him, to which he responds, “I do,” as they shake hands. This scene appears to be from when The Avengers have embarked on whatever their plan is to potentially undo what Thanos did. It’s likely the scene where spy photos caught Tony Stark and Scott Lang in what appeared to be a recreation of the Battle of New York, each wearing some kind of device on their hands, perhaps having something to do with time travel. But who knows what their plan is.

Avengers Endgame

The Benatar goes flying through hyperspace. It’s a shot we’ve seen before, but the way the score surges during this part of the trailer really got me pumped. Plus, if you look at the planet that the ship zooms away from, it appears to be Earth. That may not be the right assumption though since there do appear to be other planets and/or moons much closer than any of those in our solar system would be. Again, that could be intentionally misleading though. Then we see who’s in the Benatar.

Avengers Endgame

You should take note of who’s in this cockpit. It’s everyone who survived the snap, minus Bruce Banner, with the addition of Captain Marvel. And check out Black Widow’s hair. It’s the short blonde style that she still had in Avengers: Infinity War. But Captain America is clean shaven. So that means not long after they get back to Avengers HQ, the team heads off with Captain Marvel to presumably go take on Thanos, as was revealed in the description of footage shown to Disney shareholders not long ago.

Plus, you’ll notice there’s no Hawkeye in this image. Which means he likely doesn’t get recruited to help The Avengers until after they take on Thanos for a second time. But what about that shot above where he’s with everyone else as they stand up in the Avengers headquarters? Honestly, if you look at Hawkeye in that shot, he looks like he was placed there digitally after the fact. And this makes me wonder if it’s one of those shots that was manipulated to intentionally throw us off.

Avengers Endgame

Tony Stark has a moment of guilt and sadness as he looks at a picture of himself with Peter Parker at Stark Industries, likely as a way of keeping up appearances about the “internship” the kid had in Spider-Man: Homecoming. You can tell he’s still taking his death really hard.

Avengers Endgame

Meanwhile, back in space, we see Thanos’ ship. We’re not entirely sure where this is. It could be wherever Thanos is relaxing in his garden and his ship is just hanging out nearby. Two of those smaller Q-ships are reconnecting with the larger ship though, so some kind of activity is going on, but we’re not sure what.

Avengers Endgame

Then there’s this interesting shot of War Machine and Nebula in the cockpit of the Benatar without anyone around. What are they doing by themselves? What is Nebula looking at with so much determination? And why does War Machine look a little concerned with how pissed she is?

Avengers Endgame

Who would have thought a shot of a digital anthropomorphic raccoon would make you swell up with emotion? Rocket looks like he’s getting a little verklempt in this shot, but we’re not sure why. Also, where is he standing? That floor looks like it could be one of several locations somewhere outside of Earth. But even if that’s the case, what’s he doing there and why? Wherever it is, it appears to be the same place Thor is standing in the preceding shot.

Avengers Endgame

Now we get into the shots that make us worry. Because it looks like Captain America has seen better days. He looks tired, his shield is dirty, and it looks like he was just dealt a serious blow.

Avengers Endgame

That’s when Thanos comes back into play. Voiceover throughout some of the preceding shots has the titan saying, “You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.” In the shot above, Thanos has just arrived by way of the Space Stone, indicated by the flashing bright light we’ve seen him use before to create a portal.

Avengers Endgame

And wherever this is, Iron Man is right there with him, giving him a vengeful stare. What’s all this debris around though? Whatever this place was, it’s been completely wiped out. It looks like a bomb was dropped on it. Could this be the remains of Avengers headquarters? There’s a LEGO set out there with a battle taking place at the Avengers compound that involves Thanos, so maybe at some point he comes back to Earth to take on our heroes?

Avengers Endgame

And finally, we start to get a little worried again. Here’s Captain America, Iron Man and Thor walking among the fiery, smoky debris. And if you look in the background there, you can see Thanos sitting down, his helmet off, and his new double-bladed weapon sticking out of the ground. Did he destroy Avengers headquarters as a way of calling The Avengers back to him for one more battle? Honestly, we’re not sure what’s going on in this scene, but we can’t wait to find out.


Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters on April 26, 2019 with sneak preview screenings beginning April 25.

The post ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Trailer Breakdown: It All Comes Back to Thanos appeared first on /Film.

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