Natasimha Birthday special

Tollywood super star cum AP politician , MLA Nandamuri Balakrishna’s birthday in the year 2020 is going to be very special as he is turning 60 years old and fans of heroes are all kicked up regarding the surprise that will be announced on the eve of the hero birthday that falls on 10th June.

 As the first part of the Nandamuri Balakrishna’s birthday celebrations, #NBKBirtdhayCDP is released online and Tollywood actors, Nandamuri fans, movie buffs are sharing the birthday common DP of the heroin social media generating a storm with tweets, retweet’s, likes expressing the unconditional love towards the Nandamuri hero.

The pic was in fact even shared by the elder daughter Brahmani,and then it went viral all over the social media.

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