The Best Characters In The Book Of Boba Fett Ranked

Is there a more polarizing Star Wars character than Boba Fett? With an unused spare prototype "super trooper" outfit on hand, George Lucas created one of the most popular supporting characters of the franchise, who was eventually repurposed as a bounty hunter and took on a life of his own in the expanded universe. With the success of "The Mandalorian," it was almost inevitable that Fett would get his own show. 

"The Book Of Boba Fett" was one of the most hotly anticipated Star Wars shows of the Disney+ era. Suffice to say it's had a mixed reception. On the one hand, it has been an interesting deep dive into a character who has been aggrandized with little in the way of substance up until now, while on the other it has been an often frustrating viewing experience with inconsistent characterization, flat dialogue, and some baffling story choices. Nonetheless, it features a multitude of characters, some new, some we have met before, and others who have previously only existed in animated form. Below are the 15 most memorable characters in "The Book of Boba Fett."

Drash And The Mods

A controversial inclusion, as the Mods are a polarizing addition to the "Star Wars" universe. For us it just about works since the original films are a hodgepodge of Samurai and Western tropes, so it's not inconceivable that these punk cyborg bikers would also exist. The modified speeder bikes are more than a little reminiscent of "Quadrophenia," as well as Lucas' break-out film "American Graffiti."

The problem is less in the conception than the execution. Their rebellious, self-consciously insolent dialogue is among the worst in the series, and it's a wonder Fett doesn't just shoot them immediately. The lead Mod, Drash (Sophie Thatcher) is the main culprit here, with incredibly wooden delivery. That being said, they each have a striking look (Drash is potentially the palest person to ever step foot in Mos Eisley aside from Aurra Sing). Honestly, though, we'd much rather they got some proper development than the script constantly insisting that they are "cool" additions to the story. Jordan Bolger's Skad is a promising character in his own right, but any discussion of him has unfortunately been reduced to one ill-advised moment.

The Gamorreans

These two Gamorrean guards are pretty much the only surviving remnants of Jabba's palace after Boba Fett and Fennec Shand kill Bib Fortuna and his guards (aside from the protocol droid 8D8, dryly voiced by Matt Berry). Rather than surrendering to Fett, things seem set for a grim outcome until he persuades them to swear loyalty to him, from which point they serve as his most faithful bodyguards throughout the rest of the series.

When Fett and Shand are set upon by assassins, it's the Gamorreans who save them, and they dive straight into the fight against Black Krrsantan without hesitation. It would have been nice to get some more development (they don't even get names), but really what more do you need? They are giant pig guards. Granted they are clearly more competent than any other Gamorreans we've encountered, but there's not a huge amount to them beyond that. Their fate is one of the saddest in the series though, as they are forced off a cliff by the dastardly Klatooinian mob. The fact that these deaths go largely without comment from Boba Fett is a travesty up there with Leia ignoring Chewie in "The Force Awakens." They were his most unfailingly loyal bodyguards and went down fighting for their master. They deserved better.

Luke Skywalker And Ahsoka Tano

This might seem like sacrilege, but it should be emphasized that this is based entirely on their roles in "The Book Of Boba Fett." As such, it's interesting to see the toll that the fall of the Empire has taken on the Jedi, but the characters themselves are more straitlaced and, honestly, less likable than in previous appearances. Making Grogu choose between being a Jedi and a Mandalorian seems a little didactic for the supposed good guys of the universe, let alone not allowing Din Djarin to even see Grogu. It's nice to have a nod to "The Last Jedi" in the way Luke is building his monastery, even if this new strand of Jedi knights seems much more authoritarian than the easy-going, zen-like philosophy of the original films.

The CGI on Luke is incredible but the lack of any new dialogue for Mark Hamill means the performance is entirely computer-based, and it's a little wooden as a result. Ahsoka's role is reduced to that of a go-between for Luke and Djarin. There is one warm moment where Ahsoka mentions how much Luke reminds her of Anakin, a nice reminder of the generational divide between the two. By and large they are presented as somber, puritanical taskmasters, a far cry from the characters we came to know and love in previous iterations.

The Major Domo

David Pasquesi's unnamed Twi'lek is a gloriously obsequious character who serves as the mouthpiece of the largely unseen mayor, Mok Shaiz. He is an intentionally annoying presence, representing the bureaucracy of a criminal enterprise, and is eventually captured by the Mods while trying to escape Mos Espa. Immediately getting under Fett's skin with his simultaneously ingratiating and arrogant manner, this is one character we would have enjoyed to see killed by Fett, for no other reason than to wipe the smug smile off his face. Fett does eradicate that smile in the final episode, sending the Major Domo to talk to the Pykes, along with Fett's terms of surrender.

It's never really apparent why he's kept alive, as once captured he doesn't seem to serve any purpose aside from comic relief. He survives the final battle, although it's not clear why: He never turns a corner and joins Fett's side, and doesn't really serve any purpose aside from comic relief. He does seem to have found a friend and potential romantic partner in the ever-chirpy mechanic Peli Motto (Amy Sedaris), so maybe he's not entirely irredeemable.

The Twins

The two Hutt ganglords who try to take over Jabba's territory are vastly underused, but they take the prize for the most epic entrance of the series. From Garsa Fwip's Sanctuary, Fett feels the ground shake as the twins are borne through the streets of Mos Espa on a gargantuan litter, with servants straining under their weight. One uses an absurdly tiny fan to keep herself cool and the other uses a poor creature to mop sweat off himself. 

These two are lovingly rendered and look incredible, and if they had featured more prominently they would certainly rank higher on this list, as they make far more imposing antagonists than the fairly generic Pykes. The brother is pragmatic, a giant Hutt even bigger than Jabba, while his sister is more sinister, advocating for killing Fett in hushed tones from behind her fan. As it stands it only took one failed assassination attempt on Fett for the twins to remove themselves from the story completely. They say they are leaving to avoid the gang war once the Pykes arrive, but theories abound on what the twin's true intentions are. Now that the dust has settled, we will hopefully see more of them in Season 2.

Garsa Fwip

Jennifer Beals was sadly not given that much to do with her Twi'lek nightclub owner, but what we get of her was promising. Garsa Fwip is a level-headed, shrewd character who guides Fett through Tatooine's cutthroat landscape and the ins and outs of running a criminal enterprise. Her club, The Sanctuary, is a hub of activity. Among other things, it provides gainful employment for everyone's favorite alien musician Max Rebo, who finally gets referred to by name.

It initially appeared as if she would take on the role of consul to Fett, in a similar way to Guinan in "Star Trek: The Next Generation." She's someone who knows how the criminal underworld works, and her canniness would have assisted Fett in his ascent to power. She's also a master of diplomacy, coming so close to talking sense to Black Krrsantan and calming him down. It's a shame these peacemaking abilities weren't better used in the war with the Pykes, where she is sadly one of the first casualties, killed in the explosion that also destroys her club. It's an abrupt end to an interesting character, but we took some solace from the fact that Max apparently survived.

Black Krrsantan

A Marvel Comics Star Wars character with an eventful past, Black Krrsantan is a gladiator-turned-bounty hunter who makes his live-action debut here. From his first scene he makes a big impression, facing off against Fett as the hired muscle for the Hutt twins. He quickly tries to assassinate Fett on their behalf but is eventually brought down by Fett's bodyguards, and rather than killing him, Fett sets him free. This seems to engender respect from the Wookiee, who eventually joins him as one of his most loyal bodyguards.

It's refreshing to see a more antagonistic Wookiee character, as we're so used to the warmth of Chewbacca, and Krrsantan is certainly an intimidating presence. He's an almost invincible character, surviving several seemingly fatal situations including being stabbed by Drash, set upon by blade-wielding Trandoshans, shot multiple times by Pyke footsoldiers, and fired at by Scorpenek battle droids. He somehow walked away from it all with nothing more than a slight limp. While we don't completely buy his shift in allegiance to Boba Fett, he is worthy of a place on this list if for no other reason than finally demonstrating that a Wookiee can indeed tear a man's arms off. It's still unclear why he needs electric knuckledusters though.

The Tusken Warrior

Lucasfilm's "The Mandalorian" series began the rehabilitation of the Tusken Raiders. Likewise, "The Book Of Boba Fett" spends an extended amount of time with the residents of The Dune Sea, giving us more insight into their culture and lifestyle than we've ever seen before. While it's difficult to differentiate between them (due to their desert attire) there is one in particular who stood out: The Warrior. Initially introduced beating Fett in a duel, the warrior trains him in the Tusken fighting style once Fett has proven his worth to the tribe. She is shown to be equally adept when it comes to mastering the speeder bike and proves instrumental in bringing down the Pykes' desert train, taking out several Pyke foot-soldiers along the way.

The Tusken Warrior disappears from the story when her tribe is massacred, but crucially her body is not among the pile of dead Tuskens that Fett burns in a funeral pyre. Hopefully, this isn't the last we've seen of said Warrior. In any case, she is certainly the coolest Tusken Raider we've yet encountered.

Fennec Shand

Ming-Na Wen's effortlessly cool sniper assassin Fennec Shand has been — unfortunately, and inexplicably — sidelined during this season. It's a shame, as the character has so much potential and honestly deserves better. The issue is that she is given her best material in the flashback scenes, which — while impressive, especially the retaking of Boba Fett's Slave I from Jabba's palace — don't actually add all that much to her character. The fact that she herself is part-robot now could have made an interesting subplot, especially since she hides her robotic implants while the Mod's flaunt theirs, but aside from a few barbed comments, this goes largely ignored.

She mainly serves as the voice of reason to Fett's uncharacteristically hot-headed character, proving a lot more adept at navigating the underworld of Mos Espa than Fett himself. At the very least she gets a few excellent opportunities to shine when she takes out a number of would-be assassins and performs an efficient hit on the gang bosses in the final episode, finally living up to her moniker of "master assassin."

Mok Shaiz

The Ithorian mayor of Mos Espa would be higher on this list if he'd played a bigger role in the series as a whole. His initial appearance was incredible, though. While the Pykes ultimately amounted to mere cannon fodder, and the numerous gangs (the Trandoshans, the Klatooinians, and the Aqualish) all quickly fade into insignificance, the mayor is a wonderfully eerie presence in the show. Ithorians are usually relegated to background appearances in Star Wars, largely due to their unwieldy design (two mouths on their neck, spindly arms and legs). With his unique appearance and translators attached to his neck (his composed voice is provided by Robert Rodriguez), even Fett seems a little overawed by the way Mok Shaiz calmly sets him against the Hutts.

Although he is absent for most of the series, Shaiz turns up in the final episode and again is shown to be the most interesting of the villains. He seems to care little for the Pykes and is more concerned for the safety of Mos Espa ... if only so he can stay in power. It's a shame that this second appearance took away some of his mystique, and his final fate was so clunky, treated as an afterthought to the main fight. However, his initial scene remains one of the strongest and most effective of the show, and it would have been great to see the shady mayor stay in power for Season 2.

Cobb Vanth

Reprising his character from "The Mandalorian," Timothy Olyphant demonstrates once again that his presence improves it immeasurably. He makes Cobb Vanth one of the series' most lived-in, unfailingly decent characters. His numerous gunfights in "Justified" make him ideally suited to the role of Mos Pelgo's Marshal, and he brings Raylan Givens' signature "Gary Cooper walk" to his shootouts with the Pykes and the hired gun Cad Bane.

The face-off against Bane might be the most intense scene in the series. Unlike other showdowns, the outcome is far from certain and as such, the stakes are incredibly high. Olyphant does some excellent subtle non-verbal acting here as he tries desperately to warn off his overzealous deputy without ever taking his eyes off Bane, to no avail. Olyphant only has two scenes in "The Book Of Boba Fett," but in both he instills Vanth with dignity and a set of principles that make him one of the Disney era's best additions to Star Wars lore. The post-credits scene of the final episode shows that he survived his showdown with Bane, so it will be interesting to see what the future holds for this character.

Boba Fett

It's pretty telling that the title character is in fourth place, and it's unfortunately indicative of the series' unfocused approach to him. If anything, the series has shown how Boba Fett probably shouldn't be the focus of his own series. The guy works best as an enigmatic supporting character and making him the protagonist essentially drains him of the "cult mystique" of the original character. His motivations for becoming Daimyo are pretty vague, and it's disappointing that he is so consistently outsmarted by almost every villain he goes up against. The result is that the supposed best bounty hunter in the galaxy often looks guileless, naive, or — at worst — downright stupid. 

It doesn't help that Boba Fett is a known commodity, and the character Temuera Morrison is playing is almost completely unrecognizable from the ruthless bounty hunter we encountered in the original films. That he's so high at all is entirely due to Morrison's charismatic, stoic performance. The flashbacks to his life with the Tusken Raiders are great and develop his character more than anything that happens in the present day.


Everyone's favorite little green alien returns in "The Book Of Boba Fett," and he actually gets some character progression beyond looking adorable! Crucially, he has his own agency here, rather than remaining a living prop who is simply taken from one location to the next. While his training seems to be going well, Luke observes that he is still too emotionally attached to Din Djarin, a fear that is confirmed when Djarin arrives with a gift for Grogu, demonstrating the bond that still exists between the two. 

While Din Djarin has matured to the extent that he is able to reluctantly sever their connection for the good of Grogu's training, Grogu himself hasn't reached this point. Thus, when he is given the choice of the life of a Jedi or a Mandalorian, he chooses to abandon his Jedi training and return to Djarin. His skills with the force have undoubtedly improved, as he helps Djarin take out a battle droid and soothes the Rancor in the final episode, which raises the question of whether his choice was the right one. It remains to be seen what Djarin has to say about this choice, or if he will eventually return to the Jedi temple.

Cad Bane

The most exciting addition to the live-action cast, Cad Bane is a character who really shouldn't work outside of the animated Star Wars series. Based in part on Lee Van Cleef, he's a walking anachronism, a literal cowboy in a science fiction series. Credit where it's due, Jon Favreau made Bane's live-action debut impactful in the best way. In an entrance that echoes the classic westerns, he emerges from the desert to face off against Mos Pelgo's Marshal Cobb Vanth. He more than lives up to his reputation, gunning down Vanth and his deputy within minutes of his arrival.

He's rendered perfectly into the live-action Star Wars universe — the design, his laconic/shambling gait, right down to Corey Burton's gravelly vocal performance — it's like he's walked straight out of "The Clone Wars." It's a shame he wasn't introduced earlier as the main baddie for the season, because the Pykes leave a lot to be desired. His role in the finale gave him an unceremonious end (especially after surviving "The Clone Wars" and "The Bad Batch") facing down the Rancor and beating Boba Fett on the draw only to be killed by Fett's gaffi stick. Or was he? There was a lingering shot of his body, with attention being drawn to the beeping pulse-like light on his chest, which crucially never stops blinking. He could still come back! It would be a waste if he died so soon, but the little we got was perfect.

Din Djarin

One of the main issues with this series is the lack of focus, and the inclusion of Din Djarin in the top spot is symptomatic of this. The main character of "The Mandalorian" arrives in the fifth episode, and the focus immediately switches back to him. This makes the show feel more like an episode of "The Mandalorian" than "The Book Of Boba Fett." It's not that Din Djarin is inherently more interesting than Fett, but he arguably has a more compelling character arc in three episodes than Fett has all season. 

We see him struggling to use the Darksaber, banished from the increasingly absurd Mandalorian sect for removing his helmet, and coming to terms with Grogu's new life as a Jedi. That's not even mentioning the pair's eventual reunion, which is just about the most touching moment of both this and "The Mandalorian" so far. Djarin has grown as a character, and his role in the final fight and his willingness to put himself in harm's way for Fett for no financial reward is telling. "The Book Of Boba Fett" concludes not with a shot of its lead character, but of Djarin and Grogu in their new ship, presumably on their way to Mandalore. It sets up the next season of "The Mandalorian" perfectly, but it does leave us asking exactly who was the main character of this series? 

Read this next: The 13 Best Animated Star Wars Moments

The post The Best Characters In The Book of Boba Fett Ranked appeared first on /Film.

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